Books Exchange 📚

Books Exchange – is the act of releasing your books "into the wild" for a stranger to find, or via "controlled release" to another Books Exhange member

Application Flow

There are some Screens of OUR Mobile Application, Where You can Buy Books,
Trade Books, Extended Library and News Feed


Gahlia Yakumbo-Jude Gwangwa`a



Phone Number: 571-393-9347

About BookExchanger

It's the World's Library. It's a smart social networking site. It's a celebration of literature and a place where books get new life. BookCrossing is the act of giving a book a unique identity so, as the book is passed from reader to reader, it can be tracked and thus connecting its readers.

Very simply, we aim to connect people through books.

BookExchanger love their books and love to read them. They tend to be the most generous, innovative, earth-friendly, good-hearted, whimsical, fun and educated people on the face of the planet.

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